Heath And Safety Problems

Heath And Safety

Examples of the diseases carried by these pest birds include but are not limited to

The accumulation of the pest bird faeces is extreme, and removal is a time-consuming and expensive practice as protective clothing and specialized working procedures need to be addressed. Walkways and ledges of buildings can be made hazardous to use due to the buildup of faeces making for slippery and unsafe footing, hindering maintenance routines.

The faeces of these birds represent a health and safety issue for employees who have to remove or work in close proximity with them and to members of the public. The risk of contagion is higher when faeces and detritus build up inside a building. These pests birds are carriers of several serious human diseases. Unfortunately, many of these pest birds choose to roost on the external units of the air-conditioners, increasing the possibility of contamination.

It is therefore imperative to limit to an absolute minimum the bird droppings in any areas, to limit the spread of disease and prevent the need for costly maintenance.

For the successful treatment of pest birds, it is of utmost importance that you identify potential issues before they arise to prevent the need for subsequent costly remedial action.

Heath And Safety Problems

Not only is the equipment being damaged, but workers are exposed to a dangerous health-risk

Birds cause tens of millions of rand of damage every year to buildings, machinery, cars, roofs, ventilation systems and more.


Bird Damage

Birds cause tens of millions of rands of damage every year to buildings, machinery, cars, roofs, ventilation systems and more. Bird droppings and nesting materials which are allowed to accumulate pose a host of physical problems which can become very serious if they are not corrected immediately.


Damage to Roofs by droppings

Bird droppings are very acidic in nature. They eat away at many substrates, especially tar-based roofing materials which are most popular. Droppings which are allowed to accumulate on roofs will eat into the material and eventually cause leaks. The life expectancy of a building’s roof can be cut by half from a light, but continuous, application of bird droppings.


Damage to Buildings

Pigeon, starling and sparrow nests are often built in rain gutters, drains and corners of roofs where drains are located. All building types stand to experience great damage, even collapsed roofs, when drainage systems are blocked and standing water is allowed to collect. A collapsed roof could have devastating results for any business.


Damage to Machinery

Acidic bird droppings can do great damage to air conditioning equipment, industrial machinery, siding, insulation etc. Not only is the equipment being damaged, but workers are exposed to a dangerous health-risk any time they work on or around the machinery.


Fire Hazard

Nesting materials are usually very flammable due to their construction of straw, twigs and dried droppings. When birds build their nests anywhere where electricity is present there is a great risk of fire.


Ventilation Blocked

Bird nests built in ventilation systems can not only spread diseases through the system, but can actually block airflow which can have horrible consequences such as exposure of high levels of carbon monoxide.


Damage to Food

Birds flying around the insides of warehouses, airplane hangars and factories can wreak havoc. Bird droppings can ruin plastics when they are being moulded, they can destroy any number of different chemicals and liquids which are being manufactured, they will ruin new and old paint jobs on aircraft, and they can contaminate food which is being made or packaged.


Damage to Company

Droppings and nesting materials on or around a building send a message to the public that this building is not properly maintained. One is forced to wonder how clean a restaurant's kitchen could be if they don't even care about bird droppings dripping down the sign.