About APS

The Natural Solution

For Pest Bird Control

Avian Pest Solutions is a professional problem bird and small animal control business that specializes in Eco-friendly pest control in Free State, Gauteng and Cape. Pest bird control services the natural way.

About us

Pest Bird Control

APS is a professional bird and small animal control business that is engaged in the lawful and environmentally friendly removal of unwanted birds and small animal pests using anti-cruelty traps and raptor patrols. APS is a South African based company approved by the Department of Environmental Affairs operating in the Free State and Gauteng.

The control of unwanted birds is necessary because bird droppings on buildings cause damage to roofs and buildings as they are corrosive. Maintenance costs are significantly higher where bird droppings accumulate. The image of a building or business can be negatively influenced by the presence of droppings and the cost of daily cleaning is high. Droppings are contaminants that can cause diseases.

Our Objectives

Pest Bird Control

APS is very fortunate to have seen the increase in clientele allowing for the expansion from only a Bloemfontein branch to a greater Free State and Gauteng region.
Our objectives are to:

• Identify and assess the problem and develop an appropriate control plan.

• Formulate a control system for the short and longer term.

• Implement a customised maintenance programme to ensure an effective, efficient and sustainable solution to the problem.

• Provide for an eco-friendly pest control service customisable to a business’ needs.

APS thus strives to “remove unwanted pest birds and small animals from your building, removing your worries”.

Contact Us For An Assessment

Contact one of our professionals to arrange an evaluation. Once we have assessed your problem areas, we will provide you with a customized control system which we will then implement. We look forward to hearing from you.